SZTE, TTIK, Élettani, Szervezettani és Idegtudományi Tanszék
SZTE, TTIK, Élettani, Szervezettani és Idegtudományi Tanszék
Tanszékvezető: Dr. Toldi József a biol. tud. doktora, egyetemi tanár
6726, Szeged ,Közép fasor 52., Tel.: +36 (62) 544-149, Fax: +36 (62) 544-291, email:

   Telefonkönyv | ETR |                                                                                                                                                                                             English


Farkas Tamás 1993-2011


1.  Volgyi, B., Farkas T., and Toldi. J.
Compensation of a sensory deficit inflicted upon newborn and adult animals. A behavioural study.
Neuroreport, 1993 4: 827-829.
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Független idéző: 14
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  1. Kasumyan AO    J ICHTHYOL, 50: 1021-1029 2010
  1. Mundiñano IC    NEUROSCIENCE 165 (4): 1457-1470 2010
  2. Giagazoglou P    EUR J APPL PHYSIOL 107 (5): 571-579 2009
  3. Toldi J    ACTA PHYSIOL HUNG 95: 229-245 2008
  4. Schmid M    BRAIN 130: 2097-2107 2007
  5. Robertson IH    BOOK: Handbook of Neuropsychology 2003 Elsevier Health      Sciences ISBN 0444503757 p175
  6. Bavelier D    NAT REV NEUROSCI 3: 443-452. 2002
  1. Shishelova AY     ZH VYSSH NERV DEYAT 49: 68-76. 1999
  2. Geenens DL     BOOK: A Guide to Planning and Support for Individuals Who Are    Deafblind, University of Toronto Press, ISBN 0802042422, McInnes     JM (eds) Neurobiological develpoment and cognition pp: 150-174     1999
  3. Korodi K    NEUROREPORT 9: 771-774 1998
  4. *Farkas T     EUR J NEUROL 4: 397-403 1997
  5. Crossman MW     SPINAL CORD 34: 573-577 1996
  6. Toldi J    PROG NEUROBIOL 48: 191-218 1996
  7. Dunn-Meynell AA   BRAIN RES 675: 143-56 1995
  8. *Toldi J    NEUROSCI LETT 167: 1-4 1994


2.  Toldi, J., Farkas T., and Volgyi B.
Neonatal enucleation induces cross-modal changes in the barrel cortex of rat. A behavioural and electrophysiological study.
Neuroscience Letters, 1994 167: 1-4.
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  1. *Nagy D    Cell Mol Neurobiol, 30: 1101-1106 2010
  1. Sathian K    REST NEUROL NEUROSCI 28: 271-281 2010
  2. Mundiñano IC    NEUROSCIENCE 165 (4): 1457-1470 2010
  3. Gougoux F    NEUROPSYCHOL 47 (13): 2967-2974 2009
  4. Karlen SJ    CER COR 19 (6): 1360-1371 2009
  5. Stilla, R    J VIS 8: 13.1-19 2008
  6. Toldi J    ACTA PHYSIOL HUNG 95: 229-245 2008
  7. Rieser JJ    BOOK: Blindness and Brain Plasticity in Navigation and Object     Perception Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc Inc, ISBN:0805855513, pp:     125 2007
  8. Chabot NR    EUR J NEUROSCI 26: 2334-2348 2007
  9. Yu C    NEUROIMAGE 36: 411-417 2007
  10. Park T    BOOK: Adaptive Neural Organization of Naked Mole-Rat.      Somatosensation Springer/Berlin/Heidelberg, pp:175-193 2007
  11. Piche M    NEUROSCIENCE 145: 1144-1156 2007
  12. Michael E    BOOK: Texbook of neural repair and rehabilitation, Page 193      Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. 1-724 p. ISBN:      1397805218
  13. Lomber ST    BOOK: Reprogramming the cerebral cortex. Oxford University     Press, 2006. 437
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  15. Sathian K    BOOK: Textbook of Neural Repair and Rehabilitation. Cambridge    University Press, ISBN:0521856418, Selzer ME, Clarkepp S (eds)    Cross modal plasticity in sensory systems  pp: 180-193 2006
  16. Gougoux F    PLOS BIOLOGY 3: 324-333 FEB 2005
  17. Ptito M    J INTEGR NEUROSCI 4: 479-488 2005
  18. Calvert GA    BOOK: The Handbook of Multisensory Processes 2004      MIT Press ISBN 0262033216 p702
  19. Kimchi T    BEHAV BRAIN RES 153: 389-395 2004
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  21. Sadka RS    J COMP PHYSIOL 190: 403-413 2004
  22. Rauschecker JP    PROG BRAIN RES 138: 73-88 2002
  23. Bavelier D    NAT REV NEUROSCI 3: 443-452 2002
  24. Rauschecker JP    BOOK: Toward a Theory of Neuroplasticity. Psychology Press,     ISBN:184169021X, Shaw CA and McEachern J (eds) Developmental     neuroplasticity within and across sensory modalities pp: 244-260     2001
  25. Rauschecker JP    BOOK: The Mutable Brain: Dynamic and Plastic Features of the     Developing and Mature. CRC Press ISBN:9058230813, Kaas JH (ed)     Expansion of cortical map sin blindness pp: 243-259 2001
  26. Yaka R    EXP BRAIN RES 131: 144-148 2000
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  28. *Negyessy L    EUR J NEUROSCI 12: 1654-1668 2000
  29. Shishelova AY     ZH VYSSH NERV DEYAT 49: 68-76 1999
  30. *Toldi J    NEUROREPORT 10: 2143-2147 1999
  31. *Kis Z    EXP BRAIN RES 126: 259-269 1999
  32. Yaka R    EUR J NEUROSCI 11: 1301-1312 1999
  33. Freund HS    BOOK: Brain Plasticity, Page 145 Lippincott-Raven, 1997. ISBN     0397517602
  34. Rauschecker JP    ADV NEUROL 73: 137-146 1997
  35. Korodi K    NEUROREPORT 9: 771-774 1998
  36. *Farkas T    EUR J NEUROL 4: 397-403 1997
  37. *Farkas T    NEUROSCI LETT 212: 61-64 1996
  38. Toldi J    PROG NEUROBIOL 48: 191-218 1996
  39. *Farkas T    ACTA BIOL HUNG 47: 113-118 1996
  40. Hegerl U    NERVENARZT 67: 360-8 1996
  41. Micheva KD    J COMP NEUROL 361: 574-84 1995
  42. Dunn-Meynell AA  BRAIN RES 675: 143-56 1995
  43. Zheng D    PROC NATL ACAD SCI U S A 92: 1802-6 1995
  44. Rauschecker JP    TRENDS IN NEUROSCI 18: 36-43 1995


3. Farkas, T., Korodi K. and Toldi, J.
Stimulus-dependent muscarinic effects on evoked unit activity in the rat barrel cortex
Neuroscience Letters, 1996 212: 61-4.
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  1. Thiel CM     NEUROBIOL LEARN MEM 80: 234-244 2003
  1. Fedrowitz M     J NEUROSCI RES 68: 595-603 2002
  1. *Nemeth H     PSYCHOPHARMACOL 160: 1-8 2001
  2. *Farkas T    ACTA BIOL. SZEGEDIENSIS 45:  2001
  1. Laskawi R    EUR ARCH OTO RHINO L 254: 81-5 1997


4.  Farkas T, Korodi K and Toldi J.
Muscarinic cholinergic effects on stimulus-evoked responses in rat primary somatosensory cortex. An electrophysiological study.
Acta Biol Hung. 1996 47:113.
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5. Farkas, T., Rojik, I., Laszlo, F., Varga, C. and Toldi, J.
Neuroplastic effects of neonatal capsaicin on barrel cortex of adult rat. An electrophysiological and autoradiographic study
European Journal of Neurology, 1997 4: 397-403.
IF (2009): 2,51
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  1. *Toldi J  NEUROREPORT 10: 2143-2147 1999


6. Farkas, T., Kis, Zs., Toldi, J. and Wolff, J.R.
Activation of the primary motor cortex by somatosensory stimulation in adult rats is mediated mainly by associational connections from the somatosensory cortex.
Neuroscience, 1999 90: 353-361.
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  1. Ng SSM    J NEUROL PHYS THER, 34: 208-213 2010
  1. *Nagy D    CELL MOL NEUROBIOL, 30: 1101-1106 2010
  2. Trulsson M    J NEUROPHYSIOL 104: 2257-2265 2010
  3. Quairiaux C    CEREB CORTEX, 20: 2080-2091 2010
  4. Thabit MN    J NEUROSCI 30: 11529-11536 2010
  5. Aronoff R    EUR J NEUROSCI, 31:2221-2233 2010
  6. Avivi-Arber L    J COMP NEUROL 518: 1030-1045 2010
  7. Fulop F    CURR MED CHEM 16 (36): 4828-4842 2009
  8. Ng SSM    CLIN REHABILI 23 (12): 1093-1103 2009
  9. Colechio EM    BRAIN STRUCT FUNCT 213 (4-5): 423-439 2009
  10. Megevand P    NEUROIMAGE 42: 591-602 2008
  11. Chakrabarti S    J NEUROPHYS 100: 50-63 2008
  12. Kaelin-Lang A    NEUROREHAB 23: 89-93 2008
  13. Ferezou I    NEURON 56: 907-923 2007
  14. Maggiolini E    EUR J NEUROSCI 25: 3678-3690 2007
  15. *Lur G    CELL MOL NEUROBIOL 26: 1505-1519 2006
  16. Franchi G     J PHYSIOL 574: 457-476 2006
  1. Veronesi C    EXP NEUROL 200: 332-342 2006
  2. Wu CW    ARCH PHYS MED REHAB 87: 351-357 2006
  3. Kaas JH    BOOK: Neural Plasticity in Adult Somatic Sensory-Motor Systems     CRC Press, ISBN 0849315212, Ebner FF (eds) Modulation of      cortical function plasticity in the human brain. pp: 207-226 2005
  4. Manns ID     J PHYSIOL 556: 601-622 2004
  5. *Kis Z    NEUROSCI LETT 358: 223-225 2004
  6. Gao PH     SOMATOSENS MOT RES 20: 191-198 2003
  7. Hoffer ZS     J COMP NEUROL 466: 525-544 2003
  1. Williams AL    J COMP NEUROL 445 269: 2002
  2. Kleinfeld D    NEURON 34: 1021-1034 2002
  3. *Nemeth H     PSYCHOPHARMACOL 160: 1-8 2002
  4. Luft AR    EXP BRAIN RES 142: 562-569 2002
  5. Humphries MD    NETWORK-COMP NEURAL 13: 131-156 2002
  6. Franchi G    EXP BRAIN RES 137: 180-189 2001
  7. Kaas JH    BOOK: Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos in Semiconductors     CRC Press, ISBN 0750305142, Kazunori A (eds) Modulation of     cortical function plasticity in the human brain pp: 207-226 2001
  8. *Farkas T    ACTA BIOL SZEGEDIENSIS 5: 51-55 2001
  9. Teuchert-Noodt G  BOOK: Advances in Research on Neurodegeneration Springer,     ISBN 3211835385, Riederer P (eds) Neuronal degeneration and     reorganization: a mutual principle in pathological and healthy      interactions of limbic and prefrontal circuits pp: 315-334 2000
  10. Teuchert-Noodt G  J NEUR TRANSM, SUPPL 60:315-333 2000
  11. Landgrebe M    EUR J NEUROSCI 12: 3729-3740 2000
  12. *Farkas T    EUR J NEUROSCI 12: 2190-2194 2000
  13. Richter T    J MOD OPT 46: 2123-2199 1999
  14. Richter T    J MOD OPT 46: 1167-1175 1999
  15. Moya-Cessa H    PHYSICAL REW: 60 4029 1999
  16. *Toldi J    NEUROREPORT 10: 2143-2147 1999
  17. *Kis Z    EXP BRAIN RES 126: 259-269 1999


7. Toldi, J., Farkas, T., Perge, J. and Wolff, J.R.
Facial nerve injury produces a latent somatosensory input through recruitement of the motor cortex in the rat.
Neuroreport, 1999 10: 2143-7.
IF (2009): 1,805
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  1. *Nagy D    CELL MOL NEUROBIOL, 30: 1101-1106 2010
  1. Avivi-Arber L    J COMP NEUROL 518: 1030-1045 2010
  2. Butz M    BRAIN RES REV 60: (2) 287-305 (2009)
  3. *Nagy D    CELL MOL NEUROBIOL 29 (6-7): 827-835 2009
  4. Toldi J    ACTA PHYSIOL HUNG 95: 229-245 2008
  5. Boudreau S    PAIN 132: 169-178 2007
  6. *Lur G    CELL MOL NEUROBIOL 26: 1505-1519 2006
  7. Franchi G     J PHYSIOL 574: 457-476 2006
  8. Coulson SE    EXP BRAIN RES 173: 153-158 2006
  9. Toda N    ORL J OTORHINOL RELAT SPEC 67: 16-22 2005
  10. *Horvath S    CEREB CORTEX 15: 378-384 2005
  11. Vilagi I    BRAIN RES BULL 64: 463-469 2005
  1. Ahrens KF    J NEUROPHYSIOL 92: 1700-1707 2004
  2. *Kis Z    NEUROSCI LETT 358: 223-225 2004
  3. *Farkas T    NEUROSCI LETT 342: 49-52 2003
  1. Franchi G    EUR J NEUROSCI 16: 1333 2002
  2. *Nemeth H    PSYCHOPHARMACOL 160: 1-8 2002
  3. *Farkas T    ACTA BIOL SZEGEDIENSIS 5: 51-55 2001
  4. *Toldi J    J PHYSIOL-LONDON 526: 71P-71P Suppl. S 2000
  5. Landgrebe M    EUR J NEUROSCI 12: 3729-3740 2000
  6. *Farkas T    EUR J NEUROSCI 12: 2190-2194 2000


8. Kis, Zs., Farkas, T., Rabl, K., Kis, E., Korodi, K., Simon, L., Marusin, I. and Toldi, J.
Comparative study of the neuronal plasticity along the neuraxis of the vibrissal sensory system of adult rat following unilateral infraorbital nerve damage and subsequent regeneration.
Experimental Brain Research, 1999 126: 259-69.
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  1. Marasco PD    J NEUROSCI 30: 16008-16014 2010
  1. Navarro X    PROG NEUROBIOL 82: 163-201 2007
  2. Avendano C    J COMP NEUROL 493: 538-553 2005
  3. Shumway C    J NEUROPHYSIOL 94: 2630-2643 2005
  4. Vilagi I    BRAIN RES BULL 64: 463-469 2005
  5. Peterfi Z    NEUROSCIENCE 124: 695-707 2004
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  7. Moffatt CA    BRAIN RES BRAIN RES REV 43: 192-206 2003
  8. Mong J    NEUROBIOL OF AGING 24: 583-88 2003
  9. Parducz A    NEUROSCIENCE 117: 791-794 2003
  10. Parducz A    EUR J NEUROSCI 16: 665-670 2002
  11. McCarthy MM    BIOL NEUROPRODUCTION 67: 691-698 2002
  12. Barbay S    J NEUROPHYSIOL 88: 1339-1351 2002
  13. Farne A    CURR BIOL 12: 1342-1346 2002
  14. Cardona-Gomez GP  BRAIN RES BRAIN RES REV 37: 320-34 2001
  15. Hoyk Z    EUR J NEUROSCI 13: 649-656 2001
  16. *Kis Z    NEUROREPORT 12: 2509-2512 2001
  17. Florence SL    EUR J NEUROSCI 13: 1755-1766 2001
  18. Franchi G    EXP BRAIN RES 137: 180-189 2001
  19. King CT    J NEUROSCI 20: 8426-8434 2000
  20. *Negyessy L    EUR J NEUROSCI 12: 1654-1668 2000
  21. Moya-Cessa H    PHYSICAL REV 59: 2920 1999
  22. Vilagi I    BRAIN RES 844: 118-125 1999



9. Farkas, T., Perge, J., Kis, Z., Wolff, J. R. and Toldi, J.
Facial nerve injury-induced disinhibition in the primary motor cortices of both hemispheres.
European Journal of Neuroscience, 2000 12: 2190-4.
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  1. *Nagy D   CELL MOL NEUROBIOL, 30: 1101-1106 2010
  1. Bizzi A    NEUROIMAG CLIN N AM 19: 573-596 2009
  2. Martinez M   EXP NEUROL 221 (1):. 186-197 2010
  3. KPA-ba! Bizzi A   NEUROIMAGING CLIN NORTH AM 19 (4): 573-596 2009
  4. Turgut N   ACTA NEUROL SCAND 120 (6): 383-388 2009
  5. Nagy D    CELL MOL NEUROBIOL 29 (6-7): 827-835 2009
  6. Butz M    BRAIN RES REV 60 (2): 287-305 2009
  7. Toldi J    ACTA PHYSIOL HUNG 95: 229-245 2008
  8. Adachi K   SOMATOSEN MOT RES 24: 97-109 2007
  9. *Lur G    CELL MOL NEUROBIOL 26: 1505-1519 2006
  10. Lefaucheur JP   NEUROLOGY 67: 1568-1574 2006
  11. Peeva, GP   EUR J NEUROSCI 24: 2152-2162 2006
  12. Franchi G    J PHYSIOL 574: 457-476 2006
  13. Toldi J    MAG TUD 1: 17 2005
  14. *Horvath S   CEREB CORTEX 15: 378-384 2005
  15. Rodel RMW   ANN OTOL RHINOL LARYNGOL 113: 951-955 2004
  1. *Kis Z     NEUROSCI LETT 358: 223-225 2004
  2. Celik M    ELECTROMYOGR CLIN NEUROPHYS 44: 89-94 2004
  3. *Farkas T    NEUROSCI LETT 342: 49-52 2003
  1. *Nemeth H    PSYCHOPHARMACOL 160: 1-8 2002
  2. Ziemann U   BRAIN 124: 1171-1181 2001
  3. Landgrebe M   EUR J NEUROSCI 12: 3729-3740 2000


10. Negyessy, L., Gal, V., Farkas, T. and Toldi, J.
Cross-modal plasticity of the corticothalamic circuits in rats enucleated on the first postnatal day.
European Journal of Neuroscience, 2000 12: 1654-68.
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Független idéző: 16 Függő idéző: 1 Összesen: 17


  1. Karlen SJ    CER COR 19 (6): 1360-1371 2009
  1. Toldi J    ACTA PHYSIOL HUNG 95: 229-245 2008
  2. Bezdudnaya T    J COMP NEUROL 507: 1979-1989 2008
  3. Castellanos TAP   EXP BRAIN RES 183: 341-350 2007
  4. Piche M    NEUROSCI 145: 1144-1156 2007
  5. Melzer P    BRAIN RES 1139: 68-84 2007
  6. Sanchez-Vives MV  PROG BRAIN RES 155B 287 2006
  7. Karlen SJ    NEUROSCI 142: 843-858 2006
  8. Sanchez-Vives MV   BOOK: Visual Perception. pp 287 2006
  9. Toldi J    MAG TUD 1: 17 2005
  10. *Horvath S    CEREB CORTEX 15: 378-384 2005
  11. Robitaillen N    BRAIN PLAST LEARN THEO. 49 2004
  12. Piche M    EUR J NEUROSCI 20: 3463-3472 2004
  1. Nakagawa Y    DEV NEUROSCI-BASEL 25: 234-244 2003
  1. Williams AL    J COMP NEUROL 445 269 2002
  2. Bavelier D    NAT REV NEUROSCI 3: 443-452 2002
  3. Izraeli R     EUR J NEUROSCI 15: 693-712 2002


11. Varga H., Nemeth H., Toth T, Kis Z., Farkas T., Toldi J.
Weak if any effect of estrogen on spatial memory in rats
Acta Biologica Szegediensis 2002 46: 13
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  1. Ferkin M H  HORM BEHAV 55: (1) 76-83 (2009)
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  2. Jonasson Z  EUR J NEUROSCI 20: 3041 2004
  3. Jonasson Z  NEUROSCIE BEHAV REV 28: 811 2005

12. Kis, Z., Budai, D., Imre, G., Farkas, T., Horvath, S. and Toldi, J.
The modulatory effect of estrogen on the neuronal activity in the barrel cortex of the rat. An electrophysiological study.
Neuroreport, 2001 12: 2509-12.
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  1. Frye, CA   FUT MED CHEM 1: 1215-1231 2009
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  2. Struble RG   FRONT BIOSCIENCE 13: 5387-5405 2008
  3. Struble RG   EXP GERONT 42: 54-63 2007
  4. Blurton-Jones M   J COMP NEUROL 499: 603-612 2006
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  6. Tang AC   SOC RECOGN MEM 2002
  7. Blurton-Jones M   J COMP NEUROL 452: 276-287 2002


13. Farkas, T. and Toldi, J.
Unmasking of latent synaptic connections in the cortex of the rat, elicited by facial nerve transection.
Acta Biologica Szegediensis, 2001 45:51
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14. Nemeth, H., Farkas, T., Kis Zs., Vecsei L., Wolff J-R. and Toldi J.
Long-term effects of neonatal MK-801 treatment on spatial learning and cortical plasticity in adult rats.
Psychopharmacology, 2002 160: 1-8.
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  1. Kawabe K   BRAIN RES 1169: 77-86 2007
  1. Damm J    NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOL 29: 2080 2004
  2. *Nemeth H   NEUROPHARMACOL 47: 916-925 2004
  1. Andersen JD    NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOL 29: 1080-1090 2004
  2. Latysheva NV   PROG NEURO-PSYCHOPH 27: 787-794 2003
  1. Riedel G    BEHAV BRAIN RES 140: 1-47 2003


15. Farkas, T., Racekova E., Kis, Zs., Horvath, S., Burda, J., Galik, J. and Toldi, J.
Peripheral nerve injury influences the disinhibition induced by focal ischaemia in the rat motor cortex.
Neuroscience Letters, 2003 342: 49-52.
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  1. *Nagy D   CELL MOL NEUROBIOL 29 (6-7): 827-835 2009
  1. *Lur G    CELL MOL NEUROBIOL 26: 1505-1519 2006
  2. Frahm C    NEUROSCIENCE 140: 865-877 2006
  3. Orendacova    J GEN PHYSIOL BIOPHYS 24: 75-87 2005
  4. Youn D-H   KOREAN J PHYS PHARM 9: 143-147 2005
  5. Frahm C    KLIN NEUROPHYS 03: 35 2004
  6. Frahm C    NEUROSCIENCE 127: 341-346 2004
  7. Taguchi A   J CLIN INVEST 114: 330-338 2004


16. Fuvesi, J., Somlai, C., Nemeth, H., Varga, H., Kis, Z., Farkas, T., Karoly, N., Dobszay, M., Penke, Z., Penke, B., Vecsei, L., and Toldi, J.
Comparative study on the effects of kynurenic acid and glucosamine-kynurenic acid.
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 2004 77: 95-102.
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1. *Marosi M   J NEURAL TRANSM 117 (2): 183-188 2010

2. Fulop F   CURR MED CHEM 16 (36): 4828-4842 2009

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4. Kiss C   BOOK: Kynurenines in the Brain: Preclinical and Clinical Studies,    Therapeutic Considerations In: Lajtha A: Handbook of     Neurochemistry and Molecular Neurobiology: Brain and Spinal Cord    Trauma. Springer, 2008. pp. 92-105 ISBN: 038730343X

5. Rozsa, E   J NEURAL TRANSM 115: 1087-1091 2008

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7. Robotka, H   LIFE SCIENCES 82: 915-919 2008

8. Robotka H   FUTURE NEUROL 3: 169-188 2008

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10. Gigler G   EUR J PHARMACOL 564: 116-122 2007

11. Nemeth H   Central Nervous System Agents in Med Chem 7: 45-56 2007

12. Nemeth H   J NEURAL TRANSM-SUPPL 70: 285-304 2006

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Oxaloacetate restores the long-term potentiation impaired in rat hippocampus CA1 region by 2-vessel occlusion.
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31. Marosi M, Nagy D, Farkas T, Kis Z, Rózsa E, Robotka H, Fülöp F, Vécsei L and Toldi J.

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 hivatkozások száma önhivatkozás nélkül: 265, önhivatkozással:   317

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