Personal details:
Name: Dr. Habil. Fekete Éva
Date of birth: 1947. december 21.
Place of birth: Baja, Hungary
Family Status: Divorced, two children: Kinga Debreczeni (1977)
Attila Debreczeni (1980)
Work place: University of Szeged Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics
Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Neuroscience
6726 Szeged Közép fasor 52.
Position: full professor
Telefon: +36-62-544-123
Fax: +36-62-544-291
Attila József University of Arts and Sciences; Szeged, Hungary M.S.; Biology; (cum laude: No. 93/1971)
Attila József University of Arts and Sciences; Szeged, Hungary Doctor Univ. (summa cum laude, No. 763.1973)
Hungarian Academy of Sciences; Candidate,s Degree in Genetics, 1982 (No. 9424)
Attila József University of Arts and Sciences Habilitation 1996
Hungarian Academy of Sciences Doctor of Academy, 2006.
Joint Research Projects, Fellowships, Training Courses:
University of California, Berkeley, Department of Genetics, Visiting Scientist Fellowship 1975-1977.
University of Umeo, Department of Genetics; Joint research project between the Swedish and Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1977-1980.
University of Jena, Department of Physiology International Training Course for Electron Microscopic Immunocytochemistry, 1986.
University of Göttingen, School of Medicine, Department of Anatomy, Humboldt Fellowship, 1988-89.
European Science Foundation, European Training Program Senior Scientist Training Course, Sitges, Spain, 1988.
University of Antwerp (RUCA) Laboratory of Cell Biology and Histology; Joint research project between the Belgian and Hungarian Ministries of Public Health, 1990-1992.
University of Antwerp (RUCA) Laboratory of Cell Biology and Histology, European Community Mobility Grant, 1993.szept. 1-dec 1.
University of Antwerp (RUCA) Copernicus Program 1994-1997
University of Dublin, Trinity College, Copernicus Program, 1995-1997.
University of Antwerp, Hungarian-Flamish Joint research project 2005-2007.
Professional experience:
Full professor, University of Szeged Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics
Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Neuroscience, 2007-
Associate professor, University of Szeged (former Attila József University), Department of Zoology and Cell Biology 1986-2007.
Lecturer, Attila József University, Department of Zoology, 1981-1986.
Head of The Electronmicroscope Laboratory, Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical University, First Department of Medicine, Endocrine Laboratory, 1980-1981.
Research Associate, Biological Research Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Genetics, 1973-1980.
Graduate Fellow, Biological Research Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Genetics, 1971-1973
Research interest:
Embryonic development of enteric nervous system (ENS)
Ultrastructural changes during development of ENS
The chemical anatomy of the developing ENS
Pathological animal models of enteric diseases
Research funding:
OTKA No.1/3 2818 1991-1994. 2000eFt
OTKA No. 1/3 2818 1993-1994. 1000 eFt
OTKA No.T/9 T 023028 1997-1998. 1800eFt
European Union, Copernicus Programme No.CIPA-CT93-0205 (DG 12) 1993-1995. 55eECU
European Union, Copernicus programme, ERBCIPACT 940182 1995-1998. 145.200 ECU
Funding from the Ministry of Health 1998. 1700 eFt
Funding from the Ministry of Health 2000 700 eFt
Hungarian-Flemish Joint Program 2005-2007. 65eEUR
Role in posztgradual education:
University of Szeged Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics Biological Doctoral School 1998-original member
University of Szeged Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics Biological Doctoral School Vice Director 2001-
University of Szeged Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics Biological Doctoral
School Secretary, 2001
Tutorial activities:
For undergraduates:
Since 1989 2-3 diplomaworker yearly
Prize-winning students on Student Conferences:
András Boros 1991, Neurobiology I. price
Eszter Farkas 1995, Neurobiology I. price
Gábor Nyíri 1997, Neurobiology II. price
Viktor Román 2001, Neurobiology II. price
Mónika Bakos 2003, Neurobiológy II. price
Nikolett Linke 2005 Anatomy III. price
Rita Papp 2005 Neurobiology II. price
Nikolett Bódi 2008. József Sófi Foundation I. Price
Poles Marietta Zita 2010. III. price
For postgraduates:
Alexandra Bernashevskaja 1979. Doct.Univ.,
András Boros 1994. Doct.Univ.,
András Boros, PhD. 2000.
Mária Bagyánszki PhD 2003
Viktor Román PhD 2004.
Mónika Krecsmarik PhD 2006.
Nikolett Linke PhD 2008
Nikolett Bódi PhD student
Petra Talapka student PhD student
Membership in professional societes:
European Neuroscience Association 1984-2000
Federation of European Neuroscience 2000-2003
International Brain Research Organization 2003-
American Motility Society 1996-
Hungarian Physiological Society 1981-
Hungarian Neuroscience Society 1993-
University public activities:
TT Kari Tudományos Diákköri Tanács tagja 1994-
Egyetemi Doktori és Habilitációs Bizottság tagja 1998-2002
Egyetemi Kulturális Kuratórium tagja 1998-2002
Fogyatékkal élő hallgatók TT Kari referense 2002-
Biológus Tanszékcsoportvezető általános helyettese 2004-
Biológia Doktori Iskola helyettes vezetője 2002-
Varga Béláné Alapítvány kuratóriumi tag 1995-
Sófi József Alapítvány kuratóriumi tag 2003-
Mestertanár kitüntetés 1999.
Fáy András Díj 1999.
Széchenyi István ösztöndíj 2001-2004
Ferenczy Lajos Emlékdíj 2008.
Apáczai Csere János-díj 2009.
1. Fekete É. (1973) Primer rovarszövetkultúrák előállítása. Egyetemi Doktori Értekezés, József Attila Tudományegyetem, Szeged, 1-51.
2. Fekete, É. (1982) A morfogenezis törvényszerűségei Drosophila melanogaster imágókorongok in vitro tenyészetében. Kandidátusi értekezés. MTA Szegedi Biológiai központ, Genetikai Intézet Szeged, 1-130.
3. Fekete, É. (1996) A bélidegrendszer fejlődése. 1-50. Habilitációs tézisek Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Természettudományi Kar
4. Fekete, É. (2004) A humán magzati bélidegrendszer és szöveti környezetének fejlődése 1-130. Akadémiai doktori értekezés