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Fekete É., Halasy, K., Gábriel, R., Benedeczky, I. (1988) Some histochemical aspects of invertebrate enteric nervous system. In: Neurobiology of Invertebrates (Eds. Salánki, JJ. and Rózsa, K.) 185-197.
Egyetemi jegyzetek
Benedeczky I., Fekete É. (1985) Sejtbiológiai atlasz Egyetemi Nyomda, Szeged
Halasy K., Gábriel R., Fekete É. (1990) Színes neuroanatómia. Egyetemi Nyomda, Szeged
Fekete É. (1999) A gerinces állatok embrionális fejlődésének anatómiai alapjai JATEPress, Szeged
Bagyánszki M., Fekete É. (2006) Összehasonlító szervezettani előadások 1. JATEPress, Szeged
Bagyánszki M., Fekete É. (2006) Sejt- és szövettani munkafüzet JATEPress, Szeged
Bagyánszki M., Fekete É. (2008) Összehasonlító szervezettani előadások 2. JATEPress, Szeged
Halasy Katalin, Gábriel Róbert, Bagyánszki Mária, Fekete Éva (2009) Színes neuroanatómia
Szegedi Egyetemi Kiadó, Szeged
In extenso közlemények:
Fekete, É., Fristrom, D., Kiss, I., Fristrom, J.W. (1975) The mechanism of evagination of imaginal disc of Drosophila melanogaster. II. Studies on Trypsin-accelerated evagination. Wilhem Roux, Archiv 178, 123-138.
Kiss, I., Bencze, G., Fekete, É., Fodor, A., Gausz, J., Maróy, P., Szabad, J., Szidonya, J. (1976) Isolation and characterization of X-linked lethal mutants affecting differentiation of the imaginal discs in Drosophila melanogaster. Theor Applied Genetics 48, 217-226.
Fristrom, D., Fekete, É. (1976) The mechanism of evagination of imaginal discs of Drosophila melanogaster. III. Evidence for cell rearrangement. Dev Biol 54, 163-171.
Fristrom, J.W., Fristrom, D., Fekete, É., Kuniyuki, A.H. (1977) The mechanism of evagination of imaginal discs of Drosophila melanogaster. Amer Zool 17(3), 671-684.
Fekete, É., Lambertsson, A.G. (1978) Imaginal disc ribosomal proteins of Drosophila melanogaster. Molec gen Genet 159, 85-87.
Fekete, É., Szidonya, J. (1979) Abnormalities of Ultrastructure and Calcium Distribution in the flight muscles of a flightless mutant of Drosophila melanogaster. Acta Biol Acad Sci Hung 30(1-2), 45-57.
Fekete, É., Lambertsson, A.G. (1980) High temperature induced changes in morphology in imaginal disc cells of a temperature sensitive lethal mutant of Drosophila melanogaster. Hereditas 93, 169-176.
Lambertsson, A.G., Fekete, É (1981) A temperature sensitive suppressor mutation affecting the synthesis of imaginal disc proteins of Drosophila melanogaster. Hereditas 94, 135-137.
Fristrom, D., Fekete, É., Fristrom, J.W. (1981) Imaginal disc development in a non-pupariating lethal mutant in Drosophila melanogaster. Wilhelm Roux’s Archives 190, 11-21.
Vincze, I., Szendi, Zs., Somlai, Cs., Maróy, P., Fekete, É. (1982) Ekdizon-analógok és anatgonisták tervezése, előállítása és biológiai vizsgálata. Magyar Kémikusok Lapja 37(12), 542-549.
Fekete, É. (1984) Distribution of fluorogenic monoamines in the gastrointestinal musculature of Helix pomatia. Histochemistry 81, 311-312.
Víg, É., Halasy, K., Fekete, É. Nemcsók, J., Benedeczky, I. (1985) Biochemical, fluorescence microscopic and ultrastructural studies on biogenic monoamines in the gut of Helix pomatia. Acta Biologica Szegediensis 31, 13-25.
Fekete, É. (1986) Effect of 6-hydroxy-dopamine on the fluorogenic monoamine containing nerve elements in the fore-gut musculature of Helix pomatia Acta Biologica Szegediensis 32, 61-68.
Nemcsók, J., Víg, É., Halasy, K., Fekete, É., Benedeczky, I. (1986) Localization and quantitative distribution of biogenic monoamines in the intestinal tract of locust, snail and carp. Neurochem Int 9(4), 505-510.
Halasy, K., Benedeczky, I., Fekete, É. Tóth, L., Gábriel, R. (1988) Enteric neuromuscular junctions. Comparison of ultrastructural features in different phylogenetic groups. Neuroscience 25(1), 147-162.
Gábriel, R., Fekete, É., Halasy, K. (1989) Consecutive diaphorase-acetylcholinesterase histochemistry in the myenteric plexus of frog stomach. Acta Histochem 85, 135-141.
Fekete, É., Gábriel, R. (1989) Light and electron microscopic localization of GABA-like immunoreactivity in chicken midgut myenteric plexus. Histochemistry 93, 75-80.
Benedeczky, I., Csoknya, M., Fekete, É., Halasy, K. (1990) Ultrastructure of the nerve muscle junction in the pharynx of the earthworm, Lumbricus terrestris. Zoomorphology 109, 337-341.
Gábriel, R., Halasy, K., Fekete, É., Eckert, M., Benedeczky, I. (1990) Distribution of GABA-like immunoreactivity in myenteric plexus of carp, frog and chicken. Histochemistry 94, 323-328.
Csoknya, M. Fekete, É., Gábriel, R. Halasy, K., Benedeczky, I. (1990) Histochemical characterization of myenteric plexus in domestic fowl small intestine. Z Mikrosk-Anat Forsch Leipzig 104 (4), S625-638.
Fekete, É, Gábriel, R., Boros, A. (1991) Relationship between appearance of GABA, fluorogenic monoamines and cytochrome oxidase activity during prenatal morphogenesis of chick myenteric plexus. Anat Embryol 184 (5), 489-495.
Timmermans, J.P., Scheuermann, D.W., Gábriel, R., Adriaensen, D., Fekete, É., de Groodt-Lasseel, M.H.A. (1991) The innervation of the gastrointestinal tract of a chelonian reptile, Pseudemys scripta elegans. Histochemistry 95, 397-402.
Gábriel, R., Fekete, É., Csoknya, M. (1992) Some morphological and histochemical features of the midgut myenteric plexus of the common european frog, Rana esculenta. Histol Histopathol 7, 83-91.
Boros, A., Fekete, É. (1993) The appearance of directe contacts between Auerbach s plexus and smooth muscle cells in the small intestine of chicken during in ovo development. Acta Anat 146, 234-237.
Timmermans, J.P., Barbiers, M., Scheuermann, D.W., Bogers, J.J., Adriaensen, D., Fekete, É., Mayer, B., Van Marck, E., De Groodt-Lasseel, M.H.A. (1994) NO-synthase immunoreactivity in the innervation pattern of the developing human digestive tract. Cell Tissue Res 275, 235-245.
Boros, A., Timmermans, J.P., Fekete, É., Adriaensen, D., Scheuermann, D.W. (1994) Appearance and some neurochemical features of nitrergic neurons in the developing quail digestive tract. Histochemistry 101, 365-374.
Fekete, É., Resch, B.A., Benedeczky, I. (1995) Histochemical and ultrastructural features of the developing enteric nervous system of the human foetal small intestine. Histol Histopathol 10, 127-134.
Matkovics, B., Varga, I., Hai, DQ., Fekete, É. (1996) Nitric oxide (NO) a new, but nowdays very popular free radical. Curr Top Biophys 20,102-106.
Griff, E.CS., Hai, D.Q., Matkovics, B., Fekete, É. (1996) The distribution of niterregic neurons in the brain of carp and the effect of NOS specific inhibitors on their NADPH diaphorase activity. Neurobiology, 4, 259-260.
Fekete, É., Timmermans, J-P., Benedeczky, I., Timmermans, J-P., Resch, B.A., Scheuermann, D.W. (1996) Sequential pattern of nerve-muscle contacts in the small intestine of developing human fetus. An ultrastructural and immunohistochemical study. Histol Histopathol 11, 845-850.
Fekete, É., Timmermans, J-P., Resh, B.A., Scheuermann, D.W. (1999). Different distribution of S-100 protein and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) immunoreactive cells and their relations with nitrergic neurons in the human fetal small intestine. Histol Histopathol 14, 785-790.
Bagyánszki, M., Román, V., Fekete, É. (2000) Quantitative distribution of NADPH-diaphorase-positive myenteric neurons in different segments of the developing chicken small intestine and colon. Histochem J 32, 679-684.
Fekete, É., Bagyánszki, M., Resch, B.A. (2000) Prenatal development of the myenteric plexus in the human fetal small intestine. Acta Biologica Szegediensis 44(1-4), 3-19.
Román, V., Krecsmarik, M., Bagyánszki, M., Fekete, É. (2001) Evaluation of the total number of myenteric neurons in the developing chicken gut using cuprolinic blue histochemistry and neurofilament immunocytochemistry. Histochem Cell Biol 116, 241-246.
Bagyánszki, M., Román, V., Krecsmarik, M, Fekete, É. (2002) Individual distribution and colocalization of peptides in the developing human enteric nervous system. Acta Biologica Szegediensis 46(1-2), 17-23.
Palfi, A., Kortvely, E., Fekete, É., Gulya, K. (2002) Differential calmodulin gene expression in the rodent brain. Life Sciences 70, 2829-2855.
Bagyánszki, M., Kovács, É.G., Resch, B.E., Román, V., Fekete, É. (2002) Computer-aided morphometric analysis of the developing concentric structure of the human fetal gastrointestinal tract. Histol Histopathol 17 (3), 731-737.
Román, V., Bagyánszki, M., Krecsmarik, M. Horváth, A., Resch, B.Á., Fekete, É. (2004) Spatial pattern analysis of nitrergic neurons in the developing myenteric plexus of the human fetal intestine. Cytometry 57A, 108-112.
Krecsmarik, M., Katarova, Z., Bagyánszki, M., Szabó, G., Fekete, É. (2004) Gastrointestinal phenotype of GAD67lacZ transgenic mice with early postnatal lethality. Histol Histopathol 20: 75-82.
Bagyánszki, M., Krecsmarik, M., Resch, B.A., Szabó, J., Fekete, É. (2004) Distribution of the 200 kDa neurofilament subunit and S100 protein in the small intestine of a human fetus with trisomy 21. Acta Biologica Szegediensis 48:7-12
Krecsmarik, M., Katarova, Z., Bagyánszki, M., Szabó G., Fekete É. (2005) Gastrointestinal phenotype of GAD67lacZ transgenic mice with early postnatal lethality. Histol Histopathol 20, 75-82.
Krecsmarik, M., Izbéki, F., Bagyánszki, M., Linke, N., Bódi, N., Kaszaki, J., Katarova, Z., Szabó, Á., Fekete, É., Wittman T. (2006) Chronic ethanol exposure impairs neuronal nitric oxide synthase in the rat intestine. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 30(6):967-73.
Linke, N., Bódi, N., Resch BE, Fekete, É, Bagyánszki M. (2008) Developmental pattern of three vesicular glutamate transporters in the myenteric plexus of the human fetal small intestine. Histol Histopathol. 23(8):979-86.
Izbéki, F, Wittman, T., Rosztóczy, A, Linke, N., Bódi, N., Fekete É., Bagyánszki M. (2008) Immediate insulin treatment prevents gut motility alterations and loss of nitrergic neurons in the ileum and colon of rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 80(2):192-8.
Bódi N., Battonyai I., Talapka P., Fekete É., Bagyánszki M. (2009) Spatial Pattern Analysis of Nitrergic Neurones in the Myenteric Plexus of the Duodenum of Different Mammalian Species, Acta Biol Hung 60 (4), pp. 347–358.
Bagyánszki M., Novák Z., Bódi N., Orvos H., Pál A., Fekete É. (2009) Structural differences in the umbilical vein wall after full-term and preterm delivery. Anat Histol Embryol 38, 387–391.
Bagyánszki M., Krecsmarik M., De Winter BY., De Man JG., Fekete É., Pelckmans PA., Adriaensen D., Kroese ABA., Van Nassauw L. (2010) Chronic alcohol consumption affects gastrointestinal motility and reduces the proportion of neuronal NOSimmunoreactive myenteric neurons in the murine jejunum. Anat Rec. 293(9):1536-42.)
Talapka P., Bódi N., Battonyai I., Fekete É., Bagyánszki M. (2011) Subcellular distribution of nitric oxide synthase isoforms in the rat duodenum. World Journal of Gastroenterology (in press)